Building blog from “scratch”
This is the first post from the series on how I built, or more precisely on how I will build this blog. Before you will start to build your own blog, well right after you chose your hosting provider and buy your domain, you will have to decide technology, CMS or blogging platform. Of course you can built your own page from scratch in any preferred web stack.. but you want it now!
And also when programing is not something you do on every day basis.

To start your own blog in no time you will most probably resort to one of the available and open source solutions there are in the “market”. In my case I have chosen as I am familiar with the platform and I have built couple of web pages with it. Most importantly, it is very if not the most popular open source blog, web page CMS, as well as not mentioning the fact there is ton of documentation and tutorials on every corner of the internet.
Long story short, any custom feature you want to implement (not talking about plugins), somebody had already done it and it will be documented somewhere up there in the vast universe of internet.
I have started with the preinstalled WordPress theme Twenty Twenty-One. Most probably next time you visit this page it will look slightly different. Especially that I am used to CSS frameworks, in my case bootstrap. I will add features, change design and at the same time I will document this.
Now that we decided on the platform. We would need to read some documentation. These are mostly the pages I try look for any topic related to WordPress:
- – when in code you find something you have no idea, you can find it documented here
- – for plugins, code examples, templates …
- – for any problem I cannot solve right away. e.g. How to add own code to the wp_head()
Of course you can type any issue you have to no other place than
Next time I will add GDPR Cookie Consent and SEO plugin and I will also add Google Analytics to the page.