Beware! Work in progress
Page is in the works and, therefore you might see it changing time to time or perhaps sometimes experiencing weird errors. It’s all good it’s part of this project and the journey to get a blog and I am on the road to document it all.
February 2022
Recaptcha v3 updated as spam still happened a lot around 70% went undetected and that’s why I have introduced as well the score which is stricter than the default set. Featured posts functionality added. Overall design small upgrades. It is possible to subscribe to the monthly newsletter.
October 2021
Created new theme from undescores wordpress boiler template and added bootstrap 5 to the project.
September 2021
Added recaptcha v3 to the blog
The SEO Framework – SEO plugin simple to use does it all
Cookie GDPR consent – easy to use GDPR consent bar
Google Analytics – to see you coming or not
Really Simple SSL – as i am lazy and this always worked no need to set up anything and after you can remove it
CodeMirror Blocks – to highlight any programing language syntax
Created sticky posts or fade over the first post
Added mail poet – only “free” newsletter automation that fits my needs.
Fixed problems with pagination – did not paginate by 10 pages but only by one
Featured and sticky posts – when not provided it broke the layout
Search template added
Page template changed